I’m Manus Peanglim, as a President of Adidas in Thailand. I feel honorable and thanks for your invitation. I’m really welcome.
You did a very good job and your blog look so interesting. Your heading is beautiful that represent to your brand and suitable. I love using tone of color in your blog. Beside, your content is good as well. I would like to suggest you, perhaps you can use same front and color with your blog. These are all for me and thanks again.
As manager of OLYMPUS brand, I am so thankful for your invitation. I enjoyed watching your blog. I wanted you to know how much I appreciate your information about your blog. You choose picture, slide and video that appropriate with your brand. Your background looks freshly and lovely. "Keep up the good work.”
Additionally, perhaps you should concern about a bit of front.
I would like to convey my sincere thanks to your invitation again.
Your faithfully. Miss Kaniknun Noopett OLYMPUS brand manager
Dear Body Glove’s brand president
ตอบลบI’m Manus Peanglim, as a President of Adidas in Thailand. I feel honorable and thanks for your invitation. I’m really welcome.
You did a very good job and your blog look so interesting. Your heading is beautiful that represent to your brand and suitable. I love using tone of color in your blog. Beside, your content is good as well. I would like to suggest you, perhaps you can use same front and color with your blog. These are all for me and thanks again.
Manus peanglim
Adidas brand’s president
Dear Body Glove’s brand manager,
ตอบลบAs manager of OLYMPUS brand, I am so thankful for your invitation.
I enjoyed watching your blog. I wanted you to know how much I appreciate your information about your blog. You choose picture, slide and video that appropriate with your brand. Your background looks freshly and lovely. "Keep up the good work.”
Additionally, perhaps you should concern about a bit of front.
I would like to convey my sincere thanks to your invitation again.
Your faithfully.
Miss Kaniknun Noopett
OLYMPUS brand manager